February 9, 2012 -
New Obamacare Mandate Targets Religious Freedom
Washington Power Grab Forces Religious Institutions to Take Actions that Contradict Their Beliefs.
Click here to watch the speech
The list of Obamacare victims continues to grow longer each week. On January 20th, President Obama’s health care law found a new target: religious liberty.
The Obama Administration is now mandating that religious institutions provide services that undermine their beliefs.
Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) discussed how this unprecedented power grab by the White House tramples over the First Amendment of the Constitution by violating Americans’ right to freedom of religion.
Excerpts of Senator Barrasso’s remarks on the floor of the U.S. Senate:
“This ruling tramples over one of the Amendments of the Constitution. It's the one that protects the rights to freedom of religion and freedom of expression.
“Reading from the Constitution, Amendment number 1: ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.’
“If you take a look back at our nation’s history, the right to freedom of religion is one of the main reasons that many people came to America in the first place.
"So what's someone to do? Well, Washington Archbishop Donald Wuerl has expressed the dilemma that many institutions face. He did it in a letter last week.
“What he said was that the mandate will allow a Catholic school just one of three options.
“Violate its beliefs by providing coverage for medications and procedures that Catholics believe are immoral.
“Number two, another option. Cease providing insurance coverage for all of its employees and then face ongoing and ultimately ruinous fines.
“Or three, attempt to qualify for the exemptions by hiring and serving only Catholics. Exclude everyone else.
“Many Americans understand that all three of those options are indefensible.
“Americans from across the political spectrum are speaking out against President Obama's big government power grab.
“Others have likewise criticized the administration for being unwilling to offer a broader conscience exemption to religious-affiliated institutions.
“Now that the President's liberal allies are even opposed to this unprecedented power grab, the White House is trying to clean up the mess.
“It has signaled that it is willing to compromise on its decision. Instead of a mild compromise, the regulation in the entire health care law needs to be fully repealed.
“As ‘The Wall Street Journal’ editorial board puts it, ‘in any case, H.H.S. would revive this coercion whenever it is politically convenient sometime in Mr. Obama's second term.’ They go on to say ‘religious liberty won't be protected from the entitlement state until Obamacare is repealed.’
“I think all Americans should be afraid of the course that this White House is on with this regulation.
"This debate isn't about women's health. It's about power. Washington should not have the power to force religious people and religious institutions to take actions that contradict their beliefs.”